Nourish Life Traditional Chinese Medicine


A chance meeting with a stranger in a cafe sparked a life-long passion for Tia Bhana-Williams, when in the year 2000 she met someone travelling to China to study acupuncture.

Thanks to that chance meeting, Tia embarked on a journey to discover her life’s calling.

This policeman would come into the cafe and one day he said that he had quit his job and was going to China to study Acupuncture. I had no idea what that was - but for some reason I thought that sounded interesting and when I returned to Melbourne from Darwin in 2001 I enrolled in a five-year double-degree in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture,” laughs Tia.

After Tia finished her studies in 2007, she was lucky to find a cosy and nurturing space in Newport, walking distance from her house to start her own business. She settled into the room and has been helping local people ever since.



“I feel so lucky to have gotten into this field, seemingly at random. It’s a total privilege to be part of someone’s life-changing experience in this way.”




Tia specialises in helping people with pain and fertility issues through Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, integrated with Western Medicine, through her business, Nourish Life Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine sees pain as energy that is stuck, and as such my treatment moves energy to ease pain,” explains Tia. “When it comes to enhancing fertility, I apply the same kind of balancing treatment, which moves energy around the reproductive organs, as well as dispensing individually formulated herbal medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a brain stimulation treatment, essentially. Pain does not exist - you can't see it or smell it… It's purely your brain's response. Acupuncture helps stimulate your brain to eliminate pain.

The body’s meridians are like a mapping system. I use these to stimulate where I want change to happen. It’s kind of like engineering - you don't turn the light off at the light bulb, you find the switch and stimulate that via the brain.

In terms of fertility, I am Western Medicine integrated, meaning I use everything! Bloods, scans and then amazing Chinese Medicine, so we figure the person out first, then work on a solid plan to get them to a healthy pregnancy and baby.”

Tia is a Newport resident and has been working with couples experiencing infertility for over fifteen years. As such, she regularly gets stopped on the street to be introduced to children that she helped bring into being. 

I’ll get taps on the shoulder and have people say ‘you helped turn this baby’ or ‘this is Madeleine, she’s five now,” laughs Tia. “I’m so lucky to live in Newport and be part of this community.

I also feel so lucky to have gotten into this field, seemingly at random. It’s a total privilege to be part of someone’s life-changing experience in this way.”

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